1921 Tequila Cream 750ML
750ML1921 Tequila Cream is a blend of Blanco Tequila and cream- an absolute surprise of delicious richness with delicate Tequila nuance all the way through. The nose is full and the scents are definitely sweet– white cake batter, arroz con leche, sweetened-condensed milk and marzipan. Amidst the copious luxury of this exquisite liqueur, flavors of cinnamon, nutmeg, coffee, roasted almond and a clean Tequila are found. 1921 Cream is a great liqueur that should be sought out and savoredimmediately as a perfect accompaniment to pan dulce (sweet bread) or fruit (citrus or berries) for dessert, served as a cordial, with coffee or tea (or put it in) or in a cocktail.
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Case Qty: 6 | Case Price: $197.94