Twenty Grand Cognac Infused 750ML
750MLTwenty Grand Black is a VODKA infused with cognac bottled at 100 proof. The Result; a delicate, balanced blend, boasting aromatic wealth and exceptionally rich taste. Twenty Grand Cognac is produced from a selection of the best grapes collected across multiple crus of the delimited area of France, specifically the Grande Champagne Appellation. Distilled multiple times in an original charentais copper pot, our cognac is aged for several years in hand-selected French oak barrels. The result; a delicate, balanced blend, boasting aromatic wealth and exceptionally rich taste. This collection of the Twenty Grand family distinctively infuses a magnificent, imported, VS Cognac with an exquisite, five times distilled, imported French vodka.
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Case Qty: 6 | Case Price: $119.94